"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
• 1 Peter 4:10 •

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Daddy Day!

This year for Father's Day I decided rather than going out and buying another polo shirt or travel coffee mug, I'd get the kids involved and we'd make Dad a present that he'd love. I'd seen a cool tutorial on Pinterest a while back and figured what better time to try it than now! We decided to make Daddy a photo block for his desk. So, my little man helped dig through our wood scraps in the garage and we found the perfect piece of wood to use for our project. Next came picking out the perfect photo - I let Carson pick, and big surprise, he chose the one of our family parasailing while on vacation in Florida over spring break. :) I printed out our photo on Epson Premium Presentation paper {matte finish - Best. Paper. Ever.} and trimmed it down. Then we were ready to start our project.

Step 1:
The first thing we did was spray paint our block of wood black. I did this myself because I didn't feel like explaining to my husband why the side of our house or garage doors had graffiti all over it...which would most likely have happened if I gave in to my 6 yr. old's desperate plea that he'd be REALLY careful. Um, no. Sorry. Once the block dried we were all set to move on to our next step.

Step 2:
With our freshly painted (but dry) block of wood and our photo trimmed down to size we were ready to bust out the Mod Podge. I'm not going to lie and say I'm an expert at using this fantastic concoction...actually, it was my first time ever using it. *GASP!* I know. I have seriously been missing out. But, despite living in the mod podge dark ages for the past 33 years, we cracked a bottle open and went to town. This was the part where little hands were allowed to help - so I let the kids help {carefully} paint a thin coat of mod podge on to the side of the block where we wanted to adhere our photo. I laid the photo down {photo side up} and carefully smoothed it across the block so it could start to dry. There were a few areas around the edges where I had to clean up some excess mod podge, so I grabbed a damp cloth and wiped around the edges...while doing this I discovered you could gently rub the edges of the photo and get a pretty cool distressed look to it. You could probably achieve the save look if you waited until it dried {before applying the final coat of mod podge to seal the photo} and then used some sand paper on the edges. Fun stuff.

Step 3:
Once the mod podge had some time to dry {we waited about 20 minutes} then we grabbed some sand paper and softly scuffed up our photo a bit to add some texture to it. We blew off any left over dust residue and then we were ready to apply our top coat of mod podge. The kids helped paint another light coat over top of the photo. Carson got a little worked up exclaiming, "Mom! Now you've RUINED it!" and burst in to tears before I was able to explain that it'd dry clear, so we had to have a little chat to reassure him all of our hard work was not in fact ruined.

Step 4:
After everything was dry we used a silver sharpie marker to write Daddy a special message on the back of our photo block. We put the kids name on the back and the year - and viola! Our Father's Day gift was done! I had the kids help pick out a couple of other things to put in the gift bag with the present...like Daddy's favorite candy bar and some hard candy for his desk drawer at work. The kids were SO excited for Daddy to open his present!!

Here's our finished product before we wrapped it all up:

Watching the kids SO ridiculously excited to give Daddy his gift on Father's Day was PRICELESS! And Daddy was a pretty happy camper, too. Yay for personalized gifts that mean something!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hooray for Cute Hair Clippies!

Today my friend Stacey and her little man came over for an intense day of playing tag {the kids} and crafting {the moms}. It was fantastic. We tried our hand at sewing fabric flowers, made some ribbon flowers, and then ended our afternoon with some lovely little hair clips. I scored an awesome deal on a bag of 100 colorful little plastic rosettes, so we matched up some of my grandma's old buttons with rosettes and viola - we each now have some fun new hair clippies to wear.  Or maybe we should start selling them? Hmmm...

Thanks for the fun afternoon, Stacey!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Busy...but still thrifting & creating!

Goodness gracious, time has flown by these past few months. How is it JUNE already? And HOW have we come to the 2nd-to-last day of school for my kids? Oh boy. I always feel like my life is a tad bit chaotic during the school year...and then summer rolls around. Thus begins the workdays that start at 9pm and wrap up around, oh, 1-2:00am depending on the day. Such is life, though.

In other news - I found a ridiculously cool & fun birthday present for myself at a thrift store. Can you even believe that a) someone would get rid of this -and- b) they were practically giving it away for a whopping $39? I mean, c'mon, you can't buy a cheap piece-o-junk particle board end table at Target for $39. Yes, I realize some of you think I'm crazy, but believe me - this MADE my day! :) And the icing on the cake was that my husband actually agreed to let me put this in the house - ha! Impressive.

Switching gears yet again - I just finished wrapping up some of my cute 'lil dishcloths to give as part of our "end-of-the-year" gifts to all the wonderful teachers/paras/therapists that work with my munchkins at school. Have I mentioned how incredibly blessed our family has been over the past 5-6 years with amazingly gifted staff members who have poured their hearts and souls into our kids? Well, to say we're blessed is a gigantic understatement. Hopefully my giving them a dishrag and some Bath & Body Works soap (and a Caribou Coffee gift card to help minimize the "let's do chores" feel of the gift) will not make them feel like they need to go wash dishes all summer...but who doesn't love yummy smelling soap and a fun, new dishrag!?!?!

To keep with my random theme of this post...I have to share my birthday invitations I did for my kids (in Feb. & May). These were SO fun to create....and the kids love them!!

Time to sign off - have a great summer everyone and I'll try to update a bit more regularly!