"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
• 1 Peter 4:10 •

Monday, January 30, 2012

Football + Ribbon + Hot Glue Gun = Heavenly Crafting

Yesterday after we got home from church the kidlets and I did some sledding out back with the neighbors, then came inside just in time for dinner and the start of the Pro Bowl. For those of you who don't know me, I'm kind of a sports nut (yes, one more 'weird' thing, I know). I absolutely LOVE watching or playing pretty much any sport...probably has something to do with the fact I grew up with 3 brothers. Well anyway, as we sat down to watch the game I had this genius idea to throw together another craft project. I've seen all these cute flowers made out of fabric & ribbon and the other day I scored some big rolls of ribbon at Michaels out of their "after Christmas clearance" bin. Can't pass up $1 rolls of ribbon, right? So there I sat with my TV tray, rolls of ribbon, hot glue gun, container of old buttons from my Grandma's sewing kit, and, of course, the game blaring in the background. Talk about perfect (minus the 50 interruptions, "Mom,  I need help with...")! It took me about 1 quarter of football to throw these 3 flowers together and put them on alligator clips - not too shabby, huh? I'm pretty sure I could've made several more if I hadn't been interrupted a bazillion times, but it was fun to try something new. And talk about simple - or as my little guy would say, "easy peasy lemon squeezy!" - and SO cute!!


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