"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,
as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
• 1 Peter 4:10 •

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mmm, Mmm, GOOD!

This past weekend some girlfriends and I got together for a craft/comedy (we DID have a comedy movie, although we didn't really need it - no shortage of laughter with this bunch!) night. I taught them how to make those cute folded paper flowers you see all over Pinterest - we had a blast and laughed our backsides off. It was lovely! What girls night would be complete without FOOD...and lots of it!? We each brought something to share, and since I was in a bit of a time crunch, I needed something quick & easy. So naturally, I defaulted to my all-time favorite cracker spread that my Mom used to make when I was younger - to say I LOVE this is pretty much the world's biggest understatement, but whatever. I love it. I've taken this to a few get-togethers lately and afterward everyone's asked for the recipe, so I thought I'd share the love and let you all in on our "secret" family recipe.

So, here you have it folks - the recipe for Olive Nut Spread. I'm drooling just typing out the name of it!!

1-8oz cream cheese (I usually use low-fat or fat free)
3/4 c. mayo (again, go for the low-fat option - light mayo)
2 T. juice from salad olives
**Mix these three ingredients together well**
Dash of pepper
1 cup salad olives, chopped (I just buy the sliced ones in a jar - saves time!)
1/2 c. chopped pecans -or- walnuts
**Fold these last 3 ingredients in**

Serve with crackers, pita chips, etc. - and ENJOY!!


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